Tuesday 7 February 2012

Interview with Francesco Scavullo

                               This is a video of Francesco Scavullo talking about his work.

This is a video that was found on www.youtube.com. The exact source of the site is, "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qi0v1auX-Wg"

Scavullo's Last Days


Sadly, Scavullo passed away of a heart failure at the age of 82. He will always be remembered as the man who took amazing pictures. He will also be remembered as,

His dozens of sexy Cosmopolitan magazine covers but also for the beautifully lit black and white fashion and celebrity portraits of everyone from Elizabeth Taylor to Brooke Shields, Diana Ross and Madonna. Scavullo shot his last "Cosmo Girl'' cover, of model Claudia Schiffer, in January 1997"
Source: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2004/01/11/LVG9J42O351.DTL
- http://www.nytimes.com/2006/09/28/fashion/28Scavullo.html
He had been doing this work for sixty years. What an icon!
He will be truly missed!

Monday 6 February 2012

Photographing Models and Actors

Barbara Streisand,
Black and White

After working for Cosmopolitan, Scavullo started taking photo shots of actors and models. While working for Cosmopolitan, Scavullo has perfected his way of taking pictures due to his impeccable lighting techniques and brilliancy for creating a stylish scene.
He was able to learn all sorts of techniques through the movie business. For example, “white umbrellas and muslin sheets to eradicate glare, and in close-up shots he sometimes framed faces with large sheets of cardboard, which made the skin glow”,
Scavullo photographed some of the most famous people like Glenn Close, Elizabeth Taylor, Kate Moss, Sting, Janis Joplin, Farah Fawcett, Madonna (as we can see at the top right corner). 

Luckily for Scavullo, not only did he become more and more popular, but he also made some actors and models popular.

Kate Moss, 2005
Glenn Close, 1984

Sting, 1984

Iman, 1977

Kim Basinger, 1977

- http://www.brazenhussies.com/Goodbye/FrancescoScavullo/scavullo.html
- http://sighswhispers.blogspot.com/2010/04/photo-of-day-kim-basinger-by-scavullo.html
- http://ca.images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=A0PDodnmujJPTh0AczTtFAx.;_ylu=X3oDMTA3cnMybzJvBHNsawNpbWc-?back=http%3A%2F%2Fca.images.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dscavullo%2Bmadonna%26n%3D30%26ei%3Dutf-8%26y%3DSearch%26fr%3Dyfp-t-715%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D107&w=643&h=800&imgurl=i56.tinypic.com%2Ffm1mcx.png&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fforums.madonnanation.com%2Findex.php%3Fshowtopic%3D35481&size=317.7+KB&name=WOW+-+SCAVULLO+1985+Time+Magazine+Cover...+-+MadonnaNation.com+Forums&p=scavullo+madonna&oid=fddc3806cd1cf0c31852c3109dbb24dc&fr2=&fr=yfp-t-715&tt=WOW%2B-%2BSCAVULLO%2B1985%2BTime%2BMagazine%2BCover...%2B-%2BMadonnaNation.com%2BForums&b=91&ni=72&no=107&tab=organic&ts=&sigr=11pj028ru&sigb=13pg7np7o&sigi=10qm5bei9&.crumb=LyuDBIap2dm

His Own Work


Scavullo starte
d doing canvas photo silkscreens of
famous models and actors.

Some of these people were: "Mrs. John Kluge and son, Gloria Vanderbilt, Mary Kay Ash, Mrs. Frederick Field, Grace Kelly, Elizabeth Taylor, Paul Newman & Joanne Woodward, Sissy Spacek, Diana Ross, Cher, Brooke Shields, Madonna, etc," (http://www.scavullo.com/bio1.html).

Brooke Shields, 1975

Scavullo was also known for the portraits of children that he had done. One of them was Brooke Shields in 1975.

Source: http://www.brazenhussies.com/Goodbye/FrancescoScavullo/scavullo.html


Scavullo's Big Ice Break

Lauren Bacall, Harper's Bazaar, 1943
Before working for Harper's Bazaar, Scavullo did some photo covers for Seventeen magazine however, Scavullo's career peeked in 1943. He had grown into a legend when he photographed Lauren Bacall in Harper's Bazaar.         

Scavullo's Fame Continues

Brooke Shields, Cosmopolitan, 1981
Scavullo has always had steady job until his
career went uphill when he started working with Cosmopolitan. Scavullo started shooting for Cosmopolitan in 1965. Scavullo helped sell
millions on issues due to it's provocative covers.
The covers were very sexy and it started since 1965.

Madonna on the cover of Cosmopolitan on May 1987.
Doesn't she look spectacular?

Cindy Crawford, Cosmopolitan, 1991

Scavullo tried to repeat the same hair and make-up look for each magazine issue. Helen Gurley Brown, former Cosmopolitan editor, stated, “He had this particular look — she was to be a really sensuous, beautiful, sexy young woman".

Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/09/28/fashion/28Scavullo.html


Early Life

Everybody has a talent and depending on their personality, some people will persue their talent into doing something with it. One person in particular who was very goal-oriented and knew what he wanted to do with his life was photographer Francesco Scavullo.

Born on January 16th, 1921 in Staten Island, New York United States, Scavullo had a passion for photography since he was a young child and he expressed this passion by using his father's camera in order to take pictures. It was said that he used his mother and his sisters as his models.

Sadly, his father did not support his son's interest in photography and his wanted his son to enter the restaurant business like him. He worked for his father as a busboy however, he tried messing up purposely in order to get fired.

Scavullo finally stopped working for his father because he had found a job in a photography studio where he was doing something he loved which was creating catalogs. While he was working at the photography studio, he applied to participate in a tryout run at Vogue in order to become an assistant for Horst. P. Horst.

It was very hard for his dad to accept his choice of career however, after working for many magazine covers and actually starting to become very famous, his father was proud of him and bought him a home in New York where he can use that space as not only his home but also his studio.

Source: http://nopoboho.blogspot.com/2012/01/born-on-this-day-january-16th-francesco.html
